Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Commitment and Friendship

Today as I was sitting in my university's library, God was urging my heart to get into His word.  I started reading in Jeremiah.  God prompted me to look into His word further than just seeing it as history, but to look at it in terms of our relationship.

What God showed me through the first 8 chapters or so of Jeremiah is that God wants to be our number one priority; He doesn't want to be our second choice.  At the time of Jeremiah, Judah and Jerusalem were worshiping other gods.  They only came to speak to God when they needed something, when they wanted protection (Jeremiah 7:10).  God called out to them repeatedly.  He asked for them to come back to him, but they would not listen (Jeremiah 7:13).  He was upset  because they were hurting themselves by worshiping things other than Him (Jeremiah 7:19).

This same thing happens to us (me included) all the time.  We are constantly thinking and worrying about things of this world rather than thinking about our God.  We only come to God when we need something from Him.  We only come to Him when we wish to ask for something in prayer.  God is not seeking that kind of relationship with us.  He is not wishing for a servant; He is searching for a friend (John 15:15).

“…Plow up the hard ground of your hearts!  Do not waste your good seed among thorns. O people of Judah and Jerusalem, surrender you pride and power. Change your hearts before the Lord…” (Jeremiah 4:3-4 NLT).